New Blog URL
Hello everyone! I just wanted to write another friendly reminder that my blog has been moved to brynnash.blogspot.com. If you still want to follow along, I would love to have you add my new URL to your reader :) I'm still doing the 30x30...yesterday's post can be seen here!!
Fourteen + New Blog URL!
Top: Target Skirt: Target Cardigan: TJMaxx Flats: Payless Necklace: Gift
The last time I wore my nude flats, Rooney decided they looked like a good chew toy. I was so bummed, and immediately went online to reorder another pair. They arrived just this week, so I'm really happy to be wearing them again. I was down a pair of shoes in my 30x30! Yikes!
I wanted to alert you all that I'm changing the name of my blog to brynnash. The URL will be changing to brynnash.blogspot.com as well. I just wanted to let you know to change my URL in your reader to my new address. I'm making the change for a few reasons. First, "brynnash" has been my email account for about 8 years now, and has been my username for many things. It feels like "me" and I'm really attached to it. When I first started blogging here, "brynnash" was already taken (it was my old college blog, had two posts, and I couldn't figure out how to access it again). I spent a lot of time today recovering old email addresses and freeing up the URL so that I could have it for this blog. I never felt attached to "The Original Brynn" and it has always bothered me that "brynnash" is not my blog's name. So, now that it's available, I'm making the switch!!
If you'd like to keep following along with my blog, please add brynnash.blogspot.com to whatever reader you use, and feel free to follow me on Google Friend Connect at my new site as well. Thank you!
If anything funky is happening on the new site, please let me know as well - I would love to hear from you!
coral cardigan,
floral skirt,
gold necklace,
nude flats,
white ruffle tee
Shirt: Target, thrifted new Jeans: Old Navy Shoes: Target, thrifted new Necklace: Gift
I mentioned that my family was coming over last night to see Spamalot with Kevin and me, and it was SO good. Seriously, if you haven't seen that show and enjoy British humor, it is fantastic. It was a great way to kick off our weekend!
green flats,
navy floral blouse,
pearl necklace,
skinny jeans
Dress: Target Jacket: Levi's Sandals: Target Necklace: Forever 21
Tonight, my parents and brother are driving down to our place for dinner and to see our university's production of Spamalot! I'm so excited - I love musical theater, and Spamalot is so hilarious! Kevin and my mom haven't seen it before, and I can't wait to get their read on the show. Plus, our university's theater department is awesome. They do more shows in a school year than any other school in the country!
I hope you all have a great weekend! Who's doing something exciting?
Shirt: Old Navy Shorts: Old Navy Sandals: Target Necklace: Made by my friend!
Oops, sorry for yet another janky photo. I took this after a day full of work and class, so my pants are wrinkled, my hair looks pretty bad, and I'm sporting some super cute bags under my eyes. I wanted to make sure I got a post up for the 30x30, though!
Have you guys heard of this app called Helium Booth? Maybe I'm super late to the party, but my friend Megan just showed it to me and I'm absolutely hooked. Basically, the app takes videos, and it makes you sound like you've inhaled a ton of helium (mouse mode) or it lowers your voice in an opposite way (bear mode). I can't stop taking these videos and sending them to my friends and family or just laughing until I cry. Here are a few of my favorites:
Me singing "No Scrubs"
My brother singing "Blue Moon"
My response to a video my cousin sent me - my ridiculous giggle!
And...since I'm 6 years old at heart, a story I told Kevin involving farts.
Shirt: Old Navy Skirt: Old Navy Sandals: Payless Necklace: Forever 21
Oof, sorry about the crappy iPhone photo and cheesy grin, you guys! My regular camera was being super funky today and not letting me upload any photos, so you're stuck with the old iPhone...
I did not have to work or go to class this morning, so I was able to sleep in a little bit (8:00! Woooo!) and work on some homework before hitting the gym. Ten minutes into my workout, an episode of What Not to Wear came on...so instead of spending the 30 minutes I intended to on the treadmill, I stayed on for the whole episode...I burned 700 calories, though, so that was awesome! I just love What Not to Wear, and I'm so sad it's going off the air! I really hope that TLC keeps playing it in syndication, because it's so entertaining. I've learned a lot about how to dress my body through the show as well, and how to become more confident in my skin. Plus, it's shows like this (and trashy reality TV) that make my workouts go super fast!! Please tell me I'm not the only one who watches trashy reality TV on the treadmill...
Tee: Target Pants: NY&C Sandals: Target Scarf: Old Navy
You guys, I'm not sure what the deal is, but the mosquitos and gnats where we live are horrible right now. Seriously, they are everywhere. Every time I walk outside I get at least one bite, and I've inhaled so many and gotten so many stuck between my glasses and my eyeballs that I could scream. They buzz in my ears incessantly. This morning, walking to my car, I had one trapped in my hair. ICK. They even are coming inside - I kill at least one mosquito each day in our apartment, and there was one in my office at work today when I was trying to get things done. A couple of nights ago, there was a mosquito in our bed...I only noticed it when I woke up with mosquito bites all over my toes. At that point, they don't even itch anymore...they just hurt.
Is it just us, or are any of you experiencing a disgustingly high amount of mosquitos and gnats where you live right now? I mean, we usually have a boatload of them (people in MN say that the mosquito is our state bird), but it is abnormally gross right now.
black sandals,
black skinny jeans,
coral tee,
gray bird scarf
Tee: Target Skirt: Target Sandals: Target Necklace: Gift
Happy Monday!
Today is the first day of my last summer class, and I'm actually really excited about it. My professor wrote the textbook that we're using, and he also happens to be my advisor and favorite professor, so it will be a great class! I also start back up with working again after a lovely week off, and while I'm bummed that my break is up, I'm really excited to see the staff I work with again. Supervising 18 college students is a challenge sometimes, but they make me laugh so much and I love watching them grow as leaders.
Today's outfit, believe it or not, is a little bit of a stretch for me. This skirt has no purple in it, so to be wearing a purple tee with it feels weird! I usually dress so literally and matchy. Part of what I wanted to get out of this challenge, however, is pushing myself to dress outside of my comfort zone a little bit, and I'm taking little baby steps along the way.
floral skirt,
pearl necklace,
pewter sandals,
purple tee
Dress: Target, thrifted new Belt: The Limited Wedges: Payless
Another simple outfit for me! It's super hot outside today and I wanted something that would keep me cool and comfortable. We cleaned our apartment all morning so things are clean and tidy before my last summer class starts tomorrow, ran a few errands, and had a lunch date at Panera (Caesar salad = yum!). It was a great Sunday! I'm relaxing this afternoon watching Gilmore Girls while I get my school stuff organized, catch up on blogs, etc.
This week of vacation has been awesome - I'm back into the swing of things tomorrow!!
I hope you all enjoyed your weekend as well!
black dress,
black sandal wedges,
black wedges,
leopard belt
Tee: Old Navy Blazer: Old Navy Shorts: Old Navy Wedges: Payless Necklace: Gift
Some of my latest reflections:
Ultimately, I am really happy with who I am. I am a good person who does the right thing, cares for others, but also places a lot of importance on caring for myself. I'm smart, friendly, and talented. I have a compassionate heart, particularly for children and animals.
The way that I had always pictured my life is not really what I want anymore. I want more from life - I want purpose and excitement and meaningful relationships. I won't be content to just keep on going through the motions.
I want to start living more for me, and not somebody else. My life is my life and as long as I keep on doing the right thing and treating others well, I am capable of making my own decisions. I am lucky to have a partner who feels similarly. We both make sacrifices so that each other can be happy as individuals and as a united couple.
I'm not 100% sure what is in the future for me, but I'm going to do my absolute best to make intentional decisions so I don't get bored with my safe, expected life.
Dress: Target, thrifted new Denim jacket: Levi's Sandals: Old Navy
We're back from Kevin's folks' house, and we had such a great time! Yesterday, we spent the afternoon in the pool, playing games, and watching all of our dogs play together in the big backyard. We played a lot of badminton in the evening after a delicious grill out dinner and trip to the dog park, and then went to go see fireworks all together. Today, we enjoyed more puppy playtime, a family walk with all the dogs (we love our dogs, can you tell??), and a movie. It was so much fun, and we're back home now with two really, really sleepy pups :)
Tee: Target Shorts: Tommy Hilfiger Sandals: Old Navy Necklace: Forever 21
Happy Independence Day, to all of you who celebrate! We are headed to Kevin's parent's house today for swimming, eating, and all-around merriment, and will be there through tomorrow, so I'll be "offline." I will still be wearing my 30x30 items and I'll take a picture of my outfit, but I may not blog it until the weekend. Time for celebration!!
coral shorts,
navy necklace,
nude sandals,
white ruffle tee
Dress: Old Navy Vest: Old Navy Sandals: Old Navy Belt: Target Necklace: Eclectic Wendy Designs
Yesterday, Fran had an interesting discussion on her blog about dressing for yourself vs. dressing for others (in particular your partner). Almost 100% of the time, I dress for myself, but today, I dressed for Kevin. He has said before that he loves seeing me in purple, and I know he about dies whenever I wear anything that shows off my legs, so I thought this purple dress was the perfect way to make him smile on his birthday. He also tells me all the time that I don't need to wear makeup to look beautiful, so I went really simple today with just mascara. I still feel like me and am dressing true to myself, but this outfit is one that he really likes, too :)
black belt,
nude sandals,
purple dress,
Tank: Old Navy Cardigan: TJ Maxx Jeans: Old Navy Flats: Payless Necklace: Forever 21
Today's outfit is perfect for finishing my final paper, relaxing with my dogs, and going to play trivia at a local restaurant tonight. I am soaking in all of this free time!
So I've written about my body struggles before...and things really haven't gotten easier for me. I still feel uncomfortable in my body and although I've been trying hard to lose (or at least maintain) weight, I have gained 7-8 lbs since January, putting me at my highest weight ever. GROSS. I went to the doctor yesterday for a check up, and finally have a reason for this! I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 2.5 years ago, and after about a year of tweaking, I had found a dosage of medication that put my thyroid levels back within a normal range. Yesterday, though, my doctor told me that my levels had shot through the roof, which explains why I've been gaining weight, feeling depressed, and been much more tired than usual. I'm starting a higher dosage of my medication today and hoping that it will make losing weight easier for me, and make me feel better in general. Keeping my fingers crossed that things turn around for me soon!!
Chambray shirt: Old Navy Skirt: Old Navy Shoes: Target Belt: Target Necklace: Gift
It's here! The 30x30 that Inge and I are taking on together is finally here! I have been wanting to do this for a while, and it feels great to have a friend alongside me. Be sure to check out Inge's blog as well to follow along with her.
I love this skirt, but I feel like pencil skirts are often not flattering on my body, which makes them hard to style sometimes. My chambray shirt seemed to be a good fit, since it's a little looser and forgiving, but just the shirt and skirt together made me look a little boxy and plain. I tried tucking in my shirt, but it was bunchy and looked weird. Instead, I tried to define my waist a little more by adding a belt - it almost adds a peplum kind of silhouette...and I like it! I have always loved the look of a skinny belt around the waist on other people, but I'm kind of squishy and feel like it emphasizes that. However, I'm trying hard to step outside of my comfort zone and accept my body the way it is, so here you have it!
I hope you all had a great weekend! I finished two summer classes on Friday, so I was able to relax and "play" guilt-free all weekend long! It felt awesome. I caught up on blogs, watched Monsters Inc and then went to the theater to see Monsters University, and had time to cook some food instead of just grabbing whatever was in my fridge. This week is going to be awesome, with hardly any obligations. I've needed this break for a while, and I'm super happy to be getting it!!
black and white stripes,
black belt,
black sandals,
chambray shirt,
striped skirt
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